Kanebo Crystallized Fix Powder
Kanebo Crystallized Fix Powder
Does not cancel out the glossy finish of foundation. A translucent gel film provides lasting skin quality. A non-pearl moisturizing powder that gives a bright and smooth finish with a raw skin feel, even though it is a powder. A pressed powder that will give you the skin finish you desire.
A coating technology that encapsulates all the powder in a translucent gel. By diffusing external light and the shine of foundation within the thick translucent gel film, it achieves a bright and smooth finish while taking advantage of the skin color and texture created by foundation.
The powder is coated with a translucent gel to achieve high adhesion. Using our unique technology to disperse highly viscous gel ultra-uniformly, we coat powder with translucent gel. Because the thick gel envelops the powder, there is no whiteness or powdery feeling, and it adheres evenly and closely to the skin's texture and other irregularities.